By 7066766659
February 19, 2025
Tax Day is coming, and if you are the sort who works best against a deadline, we can give you several to jot down on your calendar. When is the filing deadline for 2025? Taxes for 2024 are due for most of us by April 15, which falls on a Tuesday this year. If you don't expect to file by then, you can request a six-month extension. When do I get my refund? If you filed electronically and chose to receive your refund by direct deposit, your refund will probably be issued within 21 days, the IRS says. If you mailed a paper return, the wait could be four weeks or longer. What happens if I miss the tax deadline? If you fail to file your federal tax return on time, the standard penalty is a whopping 5% of any tax due for every month the return is late, up to 25% of the unpaid balance. If you file a return but fail to pay any taxes you owe, or if you get an extension, you typically face a much smaller monthly penalty of 0.5% of any unpaid amount. Are there exceptions to the April 15 tax deadline? Yes. The IRS extends the annual tax deadline for taxpayers who live or do business in areas afflicted by disasters and for people in states with local holidays. A complete list of disaster-related extensions is on their website. Hurricane Helene tax deadlines Individuals and businesses affected by Hurricane Helene in all or parts of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia have until May 1 to file taxes. Florida victims of Hurricane Milton also have until May 1 to file returns. Deadline for filing income tax returns with extensions If you request an extension, you'll have until Oct. 15, a Wednesday, to file your return. It's important to keep in mind that the extension doesn't buy you more time to pay your taxes. If you think you owe tax, you'd be wise to make your best estimate of the amount and pay it by April 15 to avoid penalties later on. 1099 deadline If you're a freelancer, an independent contractor, or earn income from sources outside of a traditional job, you should receive a 1099 tax form by Feb. 15. Employers are generally required to send the forms by the end of January. W-2 deadline Your employer is also required to send you a W-2 by Jan. 31. Quarterly tax due dates If you earn income that isn't subject to withholding taxes, you're typically required to make estimated tax payments to the IRS. You can do this every quarter or through one annualized estimate. The annualized estimate is due on April 15. The quarterly payments for 2025 are due by the following dates: ◾ First payment: April 15. ◾ Second payment: June 16. (This is because the 15th falls on a Sunday.) ◾ Third payment: Sept. 15. ◾ Fourth payment: Jan. 15, 2026.
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